World Environment Day 2021: History, Significance, Quotes, How is World Environment Day 2021 Celebrated
World Environment Day 2021 is celebrated on June 5 every year. It is the principal vehicle of the United Nations for encouraging awareness and for the protection of our environment. It also aims to raise awareness on emerging environmental issues to human overpopulation, global warming, sustainable consumption, wildlife crime, and many more. Get more information about World Environment Day 2021, its benefits and its Significance on this page.
Updated: Jun 02, 2021 12:14 IST
World Environment Day 2021
World environment day is the biggest annual event in the world run by the United Nations to mark environmental awareness among the people. It is celebrated to raise awareness to protect our nature and look at various environmental issues that are growing day by day. Nature gives us a lot to live but we humans made it only ours and we are returning a lot to die. Wake up before it is too late. Let us come together and make this world livable for everyone. It is expected that World Environment Day 2021 will definitely make a change in saving trees, saving forests, and saving our environment.
Why is World environment day observed?
The aim of the World environment day celebrations is to raise awareness and protect our environment. This day is celebrated with a new theme every year to learn and share ways to save our environment. The aim of world environment day focuses and reminds us of the increasing environmental issues. It motivates people to plant more trees and be mindful of our harmful activities. We should protect the environment which protects the survival of human life on earth. People should contribute their efforts by planting more trees, reducing waste, recycling, and reuse things. This aim insists that it is our duty to keep our environment safe and clean for a better tomorrow.
What is the World Environment day 2021 theme?
The theme for World Environment day 2021 is “Ecosystem Restoration”. Under the auspices of the United Nations Environment Programme, about 150 countries take part each year (UNEP). Colombia sponsored World Environment Day last year in collaboration with Germany. The 2020 event's topic was biodiversity conservation. This year, the World Environment Day baton is passed to Pakistan, a South Asian country, which will host the event in 2021. World Environment Day will be held in Pakistan. The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration will be launched at the event.
World Environment Day 2021 - What is Ecosystem Restoration?
"Assisting in the recovery of ecosystems that have been degraded or destroyed" is what ecosystem restoration entails.
It also encompasses the protection of ecosystems that are vulnerable or still intact.
There are numerous strategies to repair the environment. Planting trees is one of the simplest and most effective ways to help the environment.
Environmental stresses must also be alleviated by people.
Urban and rural landscapes have different ways to adapt and restore ecosystems.
What is the Importance of World Environment Day?
World Environment Day 2021 focus to reconnect human with nature. Natural systems support the well being of humans and other living beings on the planet. Humans are a part of nature and depend on it. More and more people are starting to understand that we need to sustainably manage our planet’s resources and ecosystems. However, that belief is far from universal. That’s why World Environment Day 2021 is so important.
World Environment Day provides an occasion to raise awareness and teach friends and family that the physical environment is fragile and indispensable. The environment has become increasingly polluted with contaminants and toxins and they have a harmful impact on our health. They can cause respiratory disease and cancer. By raising awareness of the issues with the air that sustains us, World Environment day 2021 inspires us to do something about it and fix the environment we can’t live without it.
History of World Environment Day
World Environment Day was first observed in 1974. It has been a flagship campaign for raising awareness on emerging environmental issues to marine pollution, human overpopulation, global warming, and wildlife crime. World Environment Day was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972 on the first day of the Stockholm conference on the Human Environment, resulting from discussions on the integration of human interactions and the environment. Later, in 1974 the first World environment day was observed with the theme “Only one Earth”. Even though World Environment day celebrations have been held annually since 1974, in 1987 the idea for rotating the centre of these activities through selecting different host countries began.
How is the day celebrated?
World Environment Day is widely celebrated in more than 143 countries in the world. It is popularly called "People's Day". The day is celebrated to show care and support for the earth and our environment. On this special day, people recycle recyclable materials in their homes including plastic, glass, paper, and scrap materials. People plant more trees in their garden and travel by public transport. Some people compost by sorting out food waste. We all should contribute by planting more trees, reducing waste, recycling, and reuse things. World Environment day 2021 inspires us to do something about it and fix the environment without which we can't live.
In December 2020, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) is resolved to review progress in achieving sustainability since the 1992 United nations conference on environment and development at a summit-level meeting world summit on sustainable development. Developing countries should diversify their enemies in order to reduce the dependence on commodity exports. Environment and trade policies should be mutually supportive. Poverty and environmental degradation are closely interrelated. Poverty results in environmental stress, while global environmental deterioration is an unsustainable pattern of consumption and production.
World Environment Day 2021 Special Quotes:
The special quotes are written for World Environment day 2021 to raise awareness and teach friends and family that the physical environment is fragile and indispensable.
Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed - Mahatma Gandhi
What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another - Chris Maser
A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people - Franklin D. Roosevelt
He that plants trees love others besides Himself - Dr Thomas Fuller
Climate change is a terrible problem, and it absolutely needs to be solved. It deserves to be a huge priority - Bill Gates
Harmony with land is like harmony with a friend; you cannot cherish his right hand and chop off his left - Aldo Leopold
I can find God in nature, in animals, in birds and the environment - Pat Buckley
Environmental degradation, overpopulation, refugees, narcotics, terrorism, world crime movements, and organized crime are worldwide problems that don’t stop at a nation’s borders - Warren Christopher
We won’t have a society if we destroy the environment - Margaret Mead
The environment is everything that isn’t me - Albert Einstein
World Environment day 2021 - FAQ
Environment Day was initiated by UNGA in 1972 on the first day of the Stockholm conference on the Human Environment. It resulted from discussions on the integration of human interactions and the environment. Later, on 5 June 1974, the first World environment day was celebrated.
The theme for World Environment day 2021 is “Ecosystem Restoration”.
Every year the World Environment Day is celebrated on June 5.
World Environment Day 2021 event will be hosted by Pakistan.
World Environment Day 2020 event was hosted by Colombia in collaboration with Germany.